Good morning, Exile Nobility.
This post is not going to be as polished as the other one. That one had a much more crystallized initiating thought to it, this one is less disciplined and will ramble. If you don’t like it, I will have no choice but to assume you are not truly one of the Elect (Vineland Watershed Ultimate Subscriber Premiums [Chandala Human Detritus]) and let you go your merry way. See you in the mass grave.
The Left and Right are ideas, or sets of ideas. “They’re political communities!” I think that people who require a community to feel complete are defective, maybe through no fault of their own, but probably because of the widespread and epidemic biological normiefication (lobotomization) of humanity that’s proceeded since at least the Enlightenment and maybe earlier. The Left and Right are brain hemispheres, and it’s known that the left brain is associated with “reason,” analysis, computation, etc, and the right is associated with free association, creativity, construction. The Left deconstructs, that’s what they do. They pick things apart and, like children left alone with some type of complex Lego set, can’t seem to put them back together again. The Right constructs, that’s what they do. They take preexisting things and fit them together, see how they associate. They don’t like seeing these things taken apart, they would rather they be put together, arranged to fit. Pushing myself to extreme epistemic charity, I’ll even say they have a hard time dealing with “reason”able “critical” deconstruction of these things. Though in a mature individual, this tends to be because they have already seen Leftists take valuable things apart and leave them smoldering in their constituent pieces while they move on to the next thing to deconstruct.
Our society is said to be in a sort of freefall by the type of poster I respect, and that’s a fine way to say it, but maybe it’s more accurate to view it as a type of “free-unmaking.” Nothing happens without outside inputs, someone is doing the pushing that causes the falling. Everywhere you look it seems like the ones running things are all Left, no Right. Everyone is looking for something to disassemble, nobody at the levers of power seems at all interested in building things. The rare exceptions are almost always hated the moment their urge to build (usually whimsically-guided and accidental) crosses the path of the fashionable deconstruction of the day. None of this is really conscious, it’s all too low in the spirit for the practitioners to really be aware if it within themselves. Elon Musk probably thought everyone was down with him building electrical rocket internet on Mars this whole time; the truth is that he was just not trying to build anything currently on the Inhibitors’ analysis list. How did we get to this state of affairs?
My good friend Cum Lasagna has offered a psychological explanation, butchered here: “The Enlightenment unleashed a dream of absolute reason, absolute analysis, absolute reaching-the-monadism, that humankind has not yet been able to wake up from. In this condition of sleep-driven hemispheric malfunction, only a small minority of people are able to employ the right brain, and see things in understanding, as holistic functional units, instead of pinatas full of juicy components begging to be knocked open and rifled through for flawless atomic truths (yet to be found.)”
I think that’s a good start and true based on observation, but I also think that we owe it to ourselves to approach the biological component. Maybe I’m reaching, but have you ever met someone who seems so Left that they have brain damage? You babysit and spoon-feed them through the entire walk through a systemic, organized-whole understanding of something, they follow along fine at every step, but when you say “ta-da, it’s a system!” something fails. They just can’t tolerate the imposition of a “single” image on top of their model of “multiple” things. The operating system is missing some fundamental concept, it’s not just that they aren’t listening or think you’re The Enemy. There’s a cognitive deficiency, one that I imagine a correctly-oriented medical practitioner could gin up a workable test for.
My thesis, my extension of the Left Right brain idea, is currently something like, Left and Right brain balance of power, the ability to deconstruct and also reconstruct, is a delicate thing, and that the human animal has been misbred to the point of interruption of this in some large number of people.
Is it possible to edit human culture such that biological conditions are altered to reinforce the cultural edit? Because I wonder if that wasn’t what happened in all that business in the Enlightenment. People got a great big shot of Left brain methodology and suddenly it was all the rage, the highest of high fashion. And then it was culture, whole classes of well-resourced people engaging in pursuit of analysis, examination, scientific deconstruction. “What is the world” became the question on everyone’s mind. And presumably those who did well in this new cultural context married and reproduced at healthier rates. Maybe that happened, and maybe it created successive generations more Left-brained than before, in a Leftward-leaning cascade of human biology. And at some point in this cycle, maybe someone was born without the ability to do anything BUT pure science. No engineer-thought, no assembling anything, just DISSECTION. Maybe that guy was the unknown Abraham of the biological Left we see today and can’t avoid bouncing off of at Christmas dinner.
That guy was probably the grand-sire of all the normies of the world, or several similar types appeared at the same time and the species was made over in their image. I’m at least willing to indulge the idea. Is this why they all look the same?
It proceeds Fashion → Culture → Biology and then backwards, back and forth forever until something world-historical asserts itself and takes the place of either Fashion or Biology and starts another Enlightenment-level shift in the manner of human thought, or even just human relation to all things period.
There’s maybe more to this but I have to go now, you guys take over in the comments. Let me know what you find out.
People follow incentives; and it turns out the majority of people don't want to think for themselves.
"Why do men fight for their servitude as stubbornly as though it were their salvation?”
― Gilles Deleuze
The left is defined by having two legs in the enlightenment. The right is defined by having one leg in, one leg out.
In your revealed lifestyle, if you believe there is more than “Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity” as a set of grand values or even that one of those values is kind-of stupid, you will find yourself edging ever rightward.
Socialism and Communism and Baby’s-First Anarchism and Fat-Faggy-Fuck Fascism (Anti-Fascism) are just trying to achieve those values that have been made impossible by the current elite methodology, I.E. Latter-Day Capitalismus Gibber-Jockey, Mumbo-Jumbo trite.
The most common way this settles is that you have an oppressor-oppressed narrative fighting against a civilizational-barbarism narrative.
Oppressors stop you from being free, they are stronger than you, and they are not your friend; They are the anti-Liberal. Whereas the civilizational view understands that barbarism stops us from being us. They will rid us of what values we love.
But all that is just my drunken thoughts.