There has been a whole lot of coordinated acrimony lately from various faces on the “dissident right,” or the non-GOPe right, towards frogs generally and Bronze Age Pervert in particular. It has involved trafficking of purported dox, allegations of crypto-Judaic Straussian TRICKING, and other types of silly things. It should be obvious to those who have been in these circles for longer who is in the right here (BAP) but in the last several years ban waves meant to break the memory of our adjacency graph have done a lot of damage to collective understanding of who is who and what is what. It has now become necessary to begin publishing a series of historical primers in order to make sure that newer guys in This Thing have access to a more distilled archive. This essay intends to be a short presentation of exactly how the Deep State/Natl Security Apparatus/The Jews (though many of them are other types of Ellis Islanders as well) regard BAP, his message, and most importantly, how it was received in the form of BAM’s publication and particularly by whom. There is a distinct timeline here that many are unaware of, and this is being taken advantage of by certain actors who are dumb but well-trained to hammer specific pre-planned points in public settings.
“The story goes like this.” Bronze Age Mindset was published June 6, 2018 and was an instant hit. It immediately shot to the top of various Amazon book categories and stayed there for many weeks. Even now, more than four years later, it’s selling better than major mainstream conservative books with real publishing houses. This in and of itself was a good thing, because it was by far the greatest success anyone from This Set had achieved and it had been done under a pseudonym and without watering down the ideas that animate our numerically small circle. It was a surprise at the time how well they resonated. The ideas themselves were “over the top,” “eccentric,” and “strange,” and it’s not likely that anyone at The Deep State Operations Network Hub Command Center really felt that they were threatening. After all, it hadn’t been done under an academic aegis, there was no institutional brand strength endorsing it, why worry? Nobody of consequence would be distracted by silly things like this, they had careers and degrees. It was unlikely that a book shouting the supremacy of national nudism on the back cover was going to cultivate any sort of real faction against them. Got that? Good, now remember it while I talk about something else.
A lot of people think about achieving political change incorrectly, for many reasons. Those in power have no interest in letting you know how you can carve up their domains, so there’s a lot of mud in the water of American politics. Most people are simply not capable of the patience that is often required when you’re living “behind enemy lines” in a massively surveilled state. “Revolution is a science only a few are competent to practice.” Some of you, I’m sorry to say, just don’t got it. Blame your parents.
Because of these reasons and others, people think that the key to making real political change is to recruit a huge army of obedient minions and then direct them to do things like vote or break open the Bastille. Maybe if you’re a Communist, this can work, because the biotrash that you mobilize are angry and dumb. But for the right, this isn’t a winning strategy. We are simply too good for it. Independent thinkers and capable people aren’t going to be swayed by loudmouth demagoguery; besides being able to see through it, they’re typically in positions of influence and some power already. They have something to lose, and so the soap-box-standing pulpit-pounder loses their allegiance; “Join my army and name the Jew” is less appealing when you have a mortgage and a career. The Deep State is aware of this, and they rely on it to ensure that even though their entire project from soup to nuts is founded in principle on the obliteration of men of capability and distinction (this is what is meant by “equality” for those of you just tuning in), those men of capability and distinction that actually keep the whole thing going remain part of the system. That’s why Navy SEALs do what they do, that’s why Army Rangers do what they do, why NSA engineers, State Dept diplomats etc etc. Many of the Deep State are idiots, but many others are competent, and the whole thing rests on their shoulders. And lately, it’s become more of a question for them if they’re really getting back what they’re putting in. Enter BAM.
The regime is on some level aware of its inherent contradictions, which are all clustered around the fact that doing anything at all effectively requires intelligence and competence. Engineering, medicine, military wet work, these things all require capable and intelligent people who train for many years to develop skills. The regime, Deep State, occupational class, whatever, relies on this to stay running. But their whole project is based on a hatred for strength, excellence, beauty, on the general proclivity of “The Human Will” to reach outwards and upwards. Communism is a revolt of the inwards-turned, the degenerate, the biologically garbage against this, and the regime is in this way communist. So the fact that they have to use men of power to accomplish their goals sticks in their craws. “It showed plenty of subtlety and intelligence when talking to the Lady; but Ransom soon perceived that it regarded intelligence simply and solely as a weapon, which it had no more wish to employ in its off-duty hours than a soldier has to do bayonet practice when he is on leave.” BAM showed this truth to many quality men among the rank and file of institutional power.
After BAM’s publication, BAP began posting pictures of the book in interesting places. People were sending him pics to repost. The usual images of ripped lacrosse players, beautiful women with prominent prows holding the book crossed the timeline, but there were others too. Ranger tabs on Bronze Age Mindset. A United States Marshal badge, also on Bronze Age Mindset. Even a diplomatic passport (a rare thing given to trusted actors only). Several more in this vein. It was a hit with the doers. And this is probably what began to draw attention. For the first time, something on the Out There Right Wing had reached the competent few that hold up the Deep State and keep it viable. They had no idea who these people were, or how many of them there were, either. Just that apparently, because of this nudist bodybuilder Hellenist, some people that FedGov had invested hundreds of thousands of dollars into developing were no longer reliable. And that really spooked someone, because soon afterwards operations really began in earnest.
You should be careful about what you believe; sometimes, when someone is heavily persecuted, it works. David Duke is a confirmed federal asset. What did Naming Them get him, in the end? The feds turned him into a productive budget generator; every name he gave them wound up putting money in a paycheck for Anti-White Terrorism hires. You should be very suspicious when you see someone talking about how the feds are bullying him, how he’s in such dire straits because of the truths he is telling you, that he’s been debanked, he’s been put on (and subsequently taken off of) the No-Fly List. If those things are true, his life is ruined. He’s probably looking at 20 years in the can, getting the book thrown at him by the FBI. They’re going to be able to work him, to convince him to work for them instead, and in return they can make the charges go away. They’ll use anything and everything. The No-Fly List is one of their most useful tools, one that others have spoken of in greater detail. When someone tells you that he’s been put on the No-Fly List, you should listen to him, and understand that once you’re on that list you are doing something for the Stasi to be taken off it. The specifics of how the feds apply the screws to those they want to control could occupy another 500 pages. One day they will all have their day in court. But several names have loudly and repeatedly broadcast their involvement in these things, which should only make you suspicious of what they may have been forced to do.
In this case, it was probably pretty quickly (maybe 2019) decided that the frogs had to be managed, not because they were mobilizing a big group but because of the small group of important and relevant people that BAM seemed to interest. A variety of things were tried over the past few years, including carefully targeted bans and other facefag attacks, and now the latest peon is probably Nick Fuentes. Maybe he knows what he’s doing, maybe he doesn’t. I’m inclined to think that he does, because he’s clearly been trained in rudimentary messaging. One of these spaces, keep an ear out, maybe you’ll notice that Nick Fuentes has never once answered a question. He always replies to a question with another question, because the person asking the question can determine the direction of conversation. Nick uses this tool to bring conversation back around to his pre-provided set of “anti-BAP facts,” and any deviation from this “board state” is met with a standard “Question → subject change” move. Someone should try pointing this out and holding him to answering a question, I imagine he will simply chimp out and leave, because he isn’t really able to think on his feet. He’s dumb, but he’s probably the best they’ve got.
The hope of the Deep State in leveraging these attacks is to diminish the influence of the frogs by replacing them in the minds of the competent in their own ranks with someone like Fuentes, who will exhort them to go to things like AFPAC where photographs can be taken and notes placed in personnel files. I think that ultimately this is futile; someone holding a diplomatic passport and whose heart resonated with BAM isn’t going to be dumb enough to attend NameThemFest 2024. But the regime is not noted for its ability to plan for long-term viability.
Maybe this has improved the signal-to-noise ratio for some of you. BAP is right to point out how the single thing that seems to unite the “facelord right” today is hate for him, and it’s my opinion that this is because BAM caused the national security state some anxiety (and in this Stasi-ass country, non-GOP-endorsed right wingers are targeted and incorporated ASAP by domestic security agencies). Nobody is worried about Ben Shapiro’s rejects Naming The Jew, because that doesn't threaten regime power at all. Nobody who matters cares at all. What worries them is the idea that there are 1000 highly-competent people with big-time security clearances mutely observing, waiting for the time when Atlantis can rise from the waves, when Tibet can teleport nukes into every capital city in the world, or maybe just beginning to imagine a world where they didn’t have to submit to the wills of idiots and traitorous lickspittles like Brennan, Clapper and Comey. Samizdat is still our most powerful weapon, and it will carry us to victory. Stay patient and grow in power.
Brilliant job, bro.
Beautiful explanation, extremely readable and well-written. Elegant structure paired with simple, forceful, and efficient prose.
Thank you for this!
A few notes:
1. Even before UTR/Charlottesville there was tendency among the non-mainstream right to move away from a big tent approach towards ideological lithmus tests and cannibalizing each other.
The subsequent "Optics Wars" were ultimately won by people who merely substituted one brand of potentially life ruining activism with another.
BAP is actually one of the few people who were pricipled in their opposition to this.
2. Even if Fuentes and his associates weren't extremely suspicious he would still attack BAP.
Fuentes is highly narcissistic and vindictive towards people who "wronged" him, with this behaviour going back years too (James Allsup, Lauren Rose, recent Groyper General departures etc) and after BAP warned people about the Groyper Leadership Summit he predictably became the target of his narc rage.
3. Functionally AF looks much more like a fucking cult than a political group.